
brand details

Chinesport is based in Udine, Italy, between the Alps and Venice. For over 40 years we have been dedicated to healthy posture for healthy movement. The root of our company name refers to the Italian word “chinesiterapia”, or movement therapy. We strongly believe and adhere to “movement culture” as a way to prevent and cure injury and disease.

Today we are a global leader in developing and manufacturing rehabilitation equipment and assistive devices. We have excellent and long-standing business relationships in almost 80 countries worldwide. The Chinesport general product catalogue contains over 1.000 innovative, high-quality products. New catalogue editions that include the latest product innovations and trends are regularly published. Our own medical-scientific training and educational program is continuously expanding and caters for all specialised rehabilitation fields. As an organisation, we have been working with a certified quality management system and in compliance with international ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 standards since 1998.